Jessica Adams, Business Mentor & Strategist working with smart, ambitious female founders and leaders to help them create more impact and achieve their big vision without burnout.

Working Together

Mentoring is a collaborative relationship in which I support you to:

•  develop your own style of leadership that feels authentic and in alignment with your values

• design and implement the strategy that will enable you to bring your vision to life

• ensure that self-care is integral to everything you do

So you can get the freedom, flexibility and balance you want – and grow your business with confidence knowing that success will no longer have to come at the cost of your health or relationships.

There are a number of ways to work with me as a private 121 client depending on where you're at in your business, what you'd like to achieve through working together and the level of investment and commitment you're ready for.

30-Day Impact & Income Accelerator

A 30-Day 121 package to get clarity on your strategy for moving towards £10K to £25K months without burnout, build confidence in your leadership, and have a clear pathway for increasing your impact and income doing less.

This is for you if you want to take stock, and review and reflect so you can powerfully align your strategy, leadership and wellbeing with where you want to go next.

This will enable you to take your life and business to the next level with greater ease, flow and fulfilment.

£1,997 or 2 x payments of £1,097.

90-Day Rising Leader

A 90-Day 121 package focused on helping you get a better balance in your life and business while moving towards £10K to £25K months without burnout.

This is for you if you feel like you’re getting stuck in repeated patterns of exhaustion or burnout, are feeling frustrated because you've hit an income plateau and don't know how to get past it, and you want to reset your life and business so you can finally enjoy the time and financial freedom and flexibility you want.

£4,750 or 3 x payments of £1,665.

Flourish & Thrive 6-month Intensive 

My highest level of support. This is for you if you are ready to:

• ditch burnout for good, transform your game and play by the new rules of success over the long-term

• increase your impact and income without compromising your health or relationships any more

• move towards consistent £10K to £25K months with greater ease, flow and fulfilment

• set yourself up for long-term success with a sustainable, profitable business you love

• feel like you are in congruence with who you are at your core.

Working together 121 over six months, I will help you to:

• elevate your physical, emotional, spiritual and financial wellbeing so you finally feel like you're thriving

• take a stronger lead in your life and business, feeling more empowered in your relationships

• show up authentically as the role model and leader you were always meant to be

• be more visible, feeling calm, grounded and content in who you are and what you stand for

• make the most effective use of your time, energy and resources so you can achieve your big vision without burnout.

£9,500 or 6 x payments of £1,597.

Book a FREE 30min Connection Call to find out more! This is a no-obligations, non-salesy space where we can get to know each other better. If I feel I can help you, then I will let you know. If not, I will ensure that you are clear on your next steps.

Either way, you will come away with clarity on how you can start moving towards £10K to £25K months without burnout.

With love, Jessica

Is Mentoring Right For You? 

Whether you're transitioning out of corporate, launching a new business or growing to six figures or more, I can help you achieve the flexibility, balance and level of income that feels right for you. I support you to create the foundations for your life and leadership that will ensure your business is sustainable and profitable over the long term.

What Results Can You Expect?

Examples of results my clients have created include starting a new business alongside a corporate leadership role, creating £60K in six months in a new business, breaking consistent £15K months and increasing profits 10% per month over 12months in a 7-figure company.

Book Your Connection Call

Click below to book a FREE 20Min Connection Call to find out more. I can help you get clarity on what you'd like to achieve through coaching and decide if it's right for you.

Susanna, Women's Health Coach & Consultant

Thank you for all the support over 2023. When I signed up, I didn't imagine the huge impact that working together would have. It has been so far reaching. The transformation in my business and work is phenomenal, but also thinking about different ways to school my son and help with his sleep and ways to talk to my husband to continue to reevaluate the balance of work. It has been a busy, amazing, wonderful year. Thank you so much!! I really look forward to our next six months.

*Name changed for client confidentiality.

Tamzin, Embodiment Coach & Retreat Centre Owner

Very quickly Jess enabled me to see that the blocks I was creating were all caused by my lack of self belief and that I held the power to change my viewpoint and change my life! Working together was emotional but I was able to take positive active steps immediately. Jess was gentle and clear, providing a mirror for me to look at myself through another's eyes and see with clarity. After just one session I was able to make big changes and access the confidence I needed to be able to make continuous progress in my business.

Laura, Women's Wealth Management

I really appreciated the mixed format and found coaching with Jess to be really flexible. We focused on what I needed at the time and I felt very well supported throughout the whole process. We didn’t hide away from the more difficult stuff either. I’ve turned a big corner and feel much more myself. I have been able to take control of my business. I can make choices that are right for me and when there’s challenges at work and home I can now adapt as needed. I make conscious decisions about how I want to spend my time and my life is much calmer. I’ve grown in assuredness around what I want and my business has grown in confidence too. I’m working everything to the six hour rule. I’m very focused when I’m working and am able to be the absolute best for my clients. I am more respectful of my children and I have a lot more confidence in my parenting too. The work we’ve done has given me the ability to commit to and embrace my own views and approaches in all areas of my life.

Rebecca, Accountant

I was overwhelmed and had suffered significant burnout, depression and anxiety. What I found most transformative about coaching with you is the balance of knowledge and facts, deep consideration for the emotions, challenge/questioning to get to the root cause and then practical support to actually implement change. The biggest shift has been my self awareness - I now have the understanding and tools to really support myself in discovering what I want and who I want to be. I am more ready to take on difficult conversations now, including around money. My general well-being is better - I have more energy, cleaner skin, fewer headaches, less illnesses. And my family life is so much more content - shouty mummy has hopefully left the building for good and my husband and I are talking to each other - this has lifted a massive weight of daily emotional turmoil and the drain on energy that being in constant conflict brought with it. You have a holistic approach and this is so important because a shift in something in one area of your life will have a massive impact on all areas of your life. Thank you Jess for all you have done, it is life changing!

Heema, Neuroscience Consultant

From the outset, Jess's approach was deeply personalised, blending business experience and insights with an intuitive understanding of the challenges faced by myself and the business. What set it apart for me was Jess's incredible ability to create a safe, engaging environment that encouraged open dialogue and self-reflection. Jess's expertise in business led heart-felt strategies was evident throughout, offering not just theoretical knowledge but practical, actionable advice tailored to my specific circumstances. I have invaluable tools and insights that have empowered me to approach my business challenges with a newfound sense of confidence and clarity. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Jess to anyone looking to enhance their personal and professional growth. Whether you're seeking to navigate a business transition, enhance entrepreneurial skills, or foster a deeper understanding of your business missions, values and goals, Jess's expertise and personalised approach can provide the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals. In a world where genuine, impactful guidance is rare, Jess stands out as a beacon of knowledge, empathy, and empowerment.

Silvia, Fertility Coach & Consultant

When I started working with Jess, I had been working with another mentor and a psychotherapist to help me move my business forward but I was ready to give up and go back to being employed. I started working with Jess because I wanted to save my business, which was failing. I wanted to find alternative ways of marketing my business, I wanted to raise my profile and earn reasonable money working the right number of hours for me.  I also wanted to transition my work from in person to partly online so I could support my young family more easily. From the moment I started, Jess helped me whenever I was stuck and reached out in Voxer. Our regular coaching sessions were always really positive and helped me to identify what I needed to do next in my business. It meant that I was always moving forward and always working on my health, business and personal development whilst feeling very supported. At the end of the 6 months, I have achieved everything that I wanted to, in ways that I could never have imagined. When I said that I wanted to raise my profile, I didn’t realise that would mean giving a talk in London in front of around 500 people. When I knew I needed to raise my prices, I hadn’t realised it would mean doubling my income. I hadn’t realised that it would be possible to work hours that suited my energy levels, without having to turn anyone away. My total revenue is the highest ever whilst working fewer hours. I am really excited about the future and how I can continue to support clients whilst feeling nourished myself and having time for my family. I have really enjoyed working with Jess and seeing how she works and holds her own boundaries, she has been a true inspiration.  She never told me what to do at any point in the journey but seemed to know all of the right questions to ask and how to guide me to make really good decisions.  I have big plans for the future and I am really looking forward to working towards these with Jess by my side over the next 12 months. Thank you so much!

*Name changed for client confidentiality.

Bianca, Social Media Marketing Agency Owner

I have just completed Jess’ 6-month programme and wow what a transformation! I felt I wanted to invest in myself to change my life from burnt out corporate mum to self-employed and in control! I knew this was my path, but it felt scary. I didn’t really know how to make it work without burning out again particularly in the transition period. Jess helped me navigate this with ease, having her support when things got tricky was invaluable. I’ve learnt to trust myself, tune into what I know to be right for me, tune out to how things ‘should or are usually done’ and create the life I want that works for me! And that’s a biggie! As women we often try to do it all, and having Jess' support to hold me to account, help me break old cycles and navigate important conversations around my personal relationships has allowed me to feel I’ve got real control over my working life and harmony in my family too! If you’re thinking of working with Jess, do it. Invest in you and creating the life you want. You won't look back!

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications & experience do you have?

I have been mentoring, coaching and supporting women for more than 15 years and have worked with over 1,000 women in groups and 121 settings. I completed an 18-month coaching certification with the Integrative Women's Health Institute in 2021 and am a fully certified Integrative Women's Health Coach. I completed a two-year leadership and nature connection facilitator training with WildWise in 2023, and am further qualified in a variety of female empowerment, embodiment and healing modalities. I have been a business owner since 2003.

How does mentoring with you work?

Mentoring is a collaborative relationships. We will partenr together to help you cultivate the self-awareness, courage and clarity to move forward in your personal and professional life easily and effectively. I support you to release beliefs and ways of being that are holding you back, and create new beliefs, behaviours and habits that support your desired personal and professional outcomes and make your vision for your life and business a reality. When you book a FREE no-obligations 20min Connection Call, we can chat more about your specific needs and which package is right for you. This is a non-salesy space where you can ask all the questions you want and take your time to make a decision. It has to feel right for you, and while coaching will challenge you, it should never feel arduous or pressured. My clients describe my coaching style as calm, gentle and powerful.

What is the investment?

I have different levels of support depending on what you want to achieve through coaching. You can find out more about my packages and prices above. We can chat more about what option would be the best fit for you when you book a FREE 20min Connection Call. I will be honest and realistic about what level of support and commitment is needed to achieve your desired aims. You will have plenty of time to ask questions and to make a decision about how you would like to move forward. This is a relaxed space for you to explore and get clarity on the right next step for you.

Ready to Flourish & Thrive?

If you're ready to move towards £10K to £25K months without burnout, book a FREE 20min Connection Call and I will help you get clarity on your next steps.

Online & In Person, Bristol, UK.

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